
Results 25 comments of hawkeyexp

@caphm - still heavy trouble with timeouts und blocked gui - also tried to extend the timout but no change... Would be great if you could keep an eye on...

I recommend a footer entry like "next page" for "refresh list"

ok it is an alternate as context menu entry but possible some users didn't notice the option to refresh cache.

ok i agree. Ps: come on on skype :-)

I checked the logs and signature in packaging looks good. I agree with @davidtrpcevski - possible a zipalign problem?

Hi, i catched the behaviour from logs: ``` | Recv: Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: 0 | Recv: Error:Printer halted. kill() called! 2021-02-25 18:31:16,785 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing...

Hi, i have checked it like you recommended: force the error - enter settings - change a setting in plugin safe and now i can reconnect again without a problem...

One solution is working: by default octoprint enables exclusive access which could be disabled via gui - i tried out and it sems all is working currently without problems -...

After christmas i will start to include a implemtation for csng :-)