need java 11 but homebrew formula add java 8 depency
edit /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/facebook/homebrew-fb/buck.rb update line 20 to "openjdk@11"
open /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/facebook/homebrew-fb/buck.rb and change openjdk@8 to openjdk@11
this four state is so bad that repeated in every controller
@devxoul i mean if my viewcontroller have a collectionview, and you know collectionview may have refresh/loadmore action to pull new data from server,so how to modify this state convenient with...
```swift collectionView .rx .refresh .map { Reactor.Action.refresh } .bind(to: viewModel.action) .disposed(by: disposeBag) collectionView .rx .loadMore .map { Reactor.Action.loadMore } .bind(to: viewModel.action) .disposed(by: disposeBag) reactor .state .map { $0.isRefreshing } .distinctUntilChanged()...
now i have to write this code in every controller, it's so ugly
在 viewDidLoad 里设置 navbar.hidden = true 就好了,其他不要设置
对,就是想同等对待,然后销毁 与 controller 同样生命周期的对象,但是这些对象不归 controller 管
Hi, first you should install 64 bit universal python in m1 mac, then reinstall frida-tools, and attach process by using -p flag (--attach-pid=111)