Erik Härkönen

Results 10 comments of Erik Härkönen

Getting stylegan2-ada checkpoints to load probably requires some extra work. First of all, if the checkpoints are from TensorFlow, then they need to be converted to PyTorch. The conversion needs...

The method `initgl()` is supposed to be called by the base class BaseOpenGLFrame when the frame is show on the screen - see I have no idea why it's...

@adamdavidconn the Windows dependencies are included under deps/windows, could you try to install all of those to see if it helps? The process is detailed in the setup instructions. In...

Neither `CUDA_DEVICE` nor `.cuda_device` is set on my machine, and make_default_context() returns after the first iteration of the for loop.

Thank you @botty-mc-bot-face , this is very useful information. @adamdavidconn and @natoucs-datagen , would you be able to confirm whether or not you were also trying to run over ssh...

Since StyleGan2-ADA-PyTorch is a pytorch codebase, it would probably be easiest to add it alongside the other models (in models/ as an alternative StyleGAN2 implementation. It might also be possible...

Hi Samuel, The fork of stylegan2 that's used by the project ( is slightly older than Rosinality's official version ( and doesn't handle the noise inputs that you're seeing in...

The readme should make the mismatch explicit. I'll look into updating the readme (and potentially the SG2 fork).

@woctezuma a few comments: - g_mapping is just the default value for the layer parameter. I guess making the default None would be more in line with the documentation -...

g_mapping is not a dummy value per se, but rather a default layer name that exists in StyleGAN1 (but not StyleGAN2). As for the Colab notebook, I was referring to...