Harry Whorlow
Harry Whorlow
@DiegoAndai, can I help out with this task? if so where can I find the replacement documentation?
Hi @DiegoAndai, awesome man thanks for the heads up... I'll get right onto it I would like to take **backdrop**, as it seems like a good first one to pick...
@DiegoAndai I would like to pick up speedDial, with regards to the deprecations of `components` and `componentsProps`, since I've gotten the gist of what to do. If you can mark...
Hi @skmanoj322, I thats the general gist of what were doing... although @DiegoAndai is the source of truth when it comes to this. I wouldn’t worry about composed classes for...
To be honest, it's now easier to understand whats going on, and what is still required... Thanks!
Sorry, I was away for holidays... I'll be picking this up over the coming two weeks.
Sure thing! I'll check it out when I get a chance 🤟
yo @DiegoAndai, hows it going man? I've got another one ready for code review. Enjoy the weekend! 🤟
@DiegoAndai morning man, the changes are made as requested.🤟
@DiegoAndai, comments resolved... Let me know if you have any more requests, enjoy the start to the week🤟