Harris Mirza
Harris Mirza
Hi, I am writing a plugin that performs some calculations on an attribute column and then creates a new Graph in another workspace but I am having issues with a...
Hi, I am trying to generate a call graph but would like to remove the _main_ method from the graph, what filtering options would I use to do this.
Is there any plan to support custom colours for groups? I want to display graphs using colouring to denote certain properties, it would be helpful to have consistent colouring or...
Updated vscode-json-languageservice to the latest version, in order to fix the bug where validating JSON against the latest JSON Schema Drafts would not work correctly (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-json-languageservice/issues/122)
Hi, I am trying to use this with a Zoom G5 Multi FX unit and am having trouble. It seems the G5 presents itself as 2 devices but only one...
Hi, I wanted to get thoughts on a new feature where we would be able to specify patterns (regex?) or at the very least a whole package of annotations to...
Hi all, I noticed a bug when you have for example an annotation on your interface and inside a string property you have nested quotes containing something that looks like:...
https://github.com/gephi/gephi-plugins-bootcamp/blob/1b2b9f8d36a57007eff8e4e2754a04344a651e8b/modules/StatisticsPluginExample/src/main/java/org/gephi/plugins/example/statistics/AverageEuclideanDistance.java#L84 The last parameter in this line seems wrong, according to the docs, that parameter should be the default value of the column.
Hi, Raising this PR to solve this issue raised a while back: https://github.com/immutables/immutables/issues/924. Essentially when we generate a Value class, we are adding an 'JsonProperty' annotation, but this does not...