I only need use model_gen hook = let's say you have `gqlgen.yml` in root dir, then create a file called `runner_model_gen.go` in `runner_model_gen.go`: ``` package main import ( "fmt"...
should we put dir_suffixes: _suffix1: blue .suffix2: green on yams file? to make other dirs coloured ???
@JustinHallquist my dark_color.yaml # Main Colors unrecognized_file: gold recognized_file: lavender dir: salmon # Access Modes write: darkkhaki read: limegreen exec: red no_access: indianred # Age day_old: mediumspringgreen hour_old: lime no_modifier:...
about cp $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/yaml/dark_colors.yaml ~/.config/colorls/dark_colors.yaml is this run. on terminal or add on ~/.zshrc ??? I tried to find file ~/.config/colors, but not found
by the way I got error on terminal no such file or directory: / on my. file .zshrc ? but my colonels worked
I have some problem also and , the icons not showing on my terminal, and sometimes I can't type also, when I click the terminal by cursor, it blocked the...
do you want me to record what's going on on the terminal?? so u can see what's going on my terminal, but how I can record GIF to show it...