Harmanpreet Singh Sagar
Harmanpreet Singh Sagar
I have finished re-analyzing the use of `prependAbrv`. The detailed summary for each occurrence is available on the Excel sheet linked [here](https://mcmasteru365-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/sagarh_mcmaster_ca/EYuyx9tXvwhBiRhrO-Ft3UIBOTqIKkipPtl3HGFTG-OOZg?e=i8mQco). All of the cases of `prependAbrv` occur in...
Thank you for that analysis! I will create a wiki and document this entire investigation now!
I have created a [wiki](https://github.com/JacquesCarette/Drasil/wiki/Investigation-of-Abbreviation-Functions) for this investigation. Kindly let me know if there are any changes to be made to that wiki.
I will modify the wiki to have a summary of findings on the top and the detailed discussion will be referenced here. The issue to get rid of `getAccStr` is...
`getAcc` is primarily used in obtaining the `Sentence` abbreviation of the variable on which it is applied. Most of its regular uses are Incidental, i.e., the sentence would still make...
There are 21 remaining examples of `abrv` and they are as follows: - In 2 examples `abrv` is currently used to create reference links. Changing the usage from `abrv` to...
So, just to make sure I am understanding it properly, we need to change `getAcc` to a function that returns an abbreviation if there is one. The concepts that don't...
Okay makes sense. So I will create an issue to change the functionality of the `getAcc` function. #3626 deals with the creation of `DrasilMeta`. I will update that to include...
I agree. We need to most definitely look at where the abuse of lists takes place within the code so that it can be fixed to prevent further issues. Could...