Hariom Balhara

Results 300 comments of Hariom Balhara

@alishaz-polymath I think it would be a good idea to add jest tests for `getSchedule` for dynamic logic. https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/blob/5165c511f5b060fff617f85ba2a6ca3d2042ae3c/apps/web/test/lib/getSchedule.test.ts

Thanks for your contribution @jkdamilola 🙏 Can you please resolve the conflicts.

Can't the server side logic that reads all the apps have installed status? It's just a property addition in that case

api is not private api. It is web/pages/api, so you can totally check it out. Also this installed property is something else. It tells by checking env variables if an...

@Udit-takkar I didn't know it was using getStaticProps. There are two options now: - One that you mentioned where we move it to getServerSideProps and make the page render again...

@G3root I guess @Udit-takkar is working on it.

I guess for now installed is okay. If user want's do another install he can go to the app specific page and do it from there.

@zomars yeah. I had forgotten to remove "Self review Pending" from description

Yeah these are just tests. Will resolve the conflicts.