Harenson Henao
Harenson Henao
Enable worker_pool to perform a `synchronous` call to every worker within the given pool, wait for the responses and send them back to the caller, e.g: ```erlang -spec broadcall(name(), Call)...
The idea is to implement a function that works like `wpool:broadcast/2` and it receives a third parameter that would be a `broadcast_strategy`. The `default` (not necessarily has to have that...
Note: User must be able to override this value.
After KZOO-248 changes, some Monster-UI applications were broken because the information they use to know whether or not a user/account has X capability used to be included within the actual...
Without this change, if `attachments` key is not defined within the request object, `validate_attachments_settings/2` function will crash because it expects `Attachments` parameter to be a json object not 'undefined'.
e.g: https://github.com/esl/elarm/blob/master/src/elarm_app.erl#L42-L47