
Results 27 comments of 快乐的我531

export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" before launching browsh fixed the issue. my LANG is zh_CN.UTF-8 by default. tested on vscode builtin terminal and windows terminal. works fine.

I can help in translating, but it seems that this project don't have a i18n framework. It can be hard.

Driver version: 1.7.9 Btrfs flags: compress=zstd,defaults,noatime

This problem still exists in version 1.8 (At least 2 occurence) [New minidump here](https://github.com/maharmstone/btrfs/files/8303844/031822-10421-01.zip)

Ran into the same issue today after balancing a simple btrfs partition with lzo compession without checking any checkbox in the balance option.

It shows CRC error, become write-only, after reboot show up with their size, but without any other information. Exact error happened on a simple btrfs partition on a single drive....

After breaking the partition, I have tried a lot of ways to recover, but nothing works: - btrfs rescue super-recover: All supers are valid. - btrfs rescue chunk-recover: ERROR: duplicate...

same problem no /dev/binder even on ubuntu 20.04 with a custom-compiled 5.8 kernel /dev/ashmem works fine sudo mount -t binder binder /dev/binderfs works fine

> Looking at the console log, it's not even using nvenc. You're running with a software encoder. Sorry, I posted a wrong log file... Updated now.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at GBCLV3.Services.Launch.VersionService.Load(String jsonPath) at GBCLV3.Services.Launch.VersionService.b__15_2(String jsonPath) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() at GBCLV3.Services.Launch.VersionService.LoadAll() at GBCLV3.ViewModels.Windows.MainViewModel.OnInitialActivate() at Stylet.Screen.b__35_0(ScreenState oldState, ScreenState newState)...