Hans Ott

Results 12 issues of Hans Ott

I would like to run php-cs-fixer with the `--config-file=.php_cs` argument. But it seems that the file is not found. Can I make use of the `$project_path` variable to get the...


Pinterest will release version v2 of their API soon: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/getting-started/introduction/ That also means that I might stop working on this library, I'm happy to fix bugs or security related issues...

Currently it's kind of a PITA to set custom properties for cookies... e.g. you want to set a normal cookie with SameSite specified (or maybe combined with a expires in)...

help wanted

The text color of my project is set to white. The inspector takes the text color of my project. ![schermafdruk 2015-05-18 12 39 11](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3886384/7679208/009b698e-fd5b-11e4-8995-7b8d062688ce.png)

`twttr.txt.extractMentions('@Gheerwijn @@EenPonyEnEenKat')` returns `[ "Gheerwijn" ]` On twitter.com the `@EenPonyEnEenKat` is also highlighted: https://twitter.com/EenPonyEnEenKat/status/966653086008774664 ![screenshot 2018-02-23 13 02 32](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3886384/36593402-d46c1806-1899-11e8-9f1f-fe249f064f95.png) (JavaScript)


Hi, thanks for awesome app! ``` 2018-11-06 14:42:10.940 [#2900] [] [ERR] An unhandled error occured. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The size of hostName is too long....

Hi Sentry team! 👋 https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/41749 has just been merged (adds fetch to Node.js). The default tracing plugin that ships with the SDK adds a span for each HTTP request of...

Type: Improvement
Package: node
Status: Backlog
Hacktoberfest 🎃