Hans Ott

Results 6 comments of Hans Ott

`mapStyles.js`: ```jsx export default [ { elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { color: "#f5f5f5", }, ], }, // ... ]; ``` ```jsx import styles from "./mapStyles"; {/* your markers */} ```...

Hey @pfk84, I didn't accept the patch because I want to do it the right way: injecting a clock dependency (e.g. https://github.com/symfony/clock) I can accept a patch if it's the...

@leibale This will have a tremendous impact on a lot of applications. Currently, there's no easy way to do avoid server lookups if the data is already available in the...

@leibale I might take a stab at it when I find some time. Can you share some thoughts how to approach this one? Is there any chat we can use?