As a novice, during learning your codes, I have found the implementing functions of PE-Net module, such as get_center_regression_net(), get_3d_box_estimation_net() in front_pointnets_v1.py. But I totally can't find the implementing functions...
1. The results eval box estimation accuracy is always 0 in log_test_val.py Namespace(batch_size=32, gpu=0, model='front_pointnets_v1', model_path='/home/FVNet/est-kittinet/outputs/20191219100152/model_1000.ckpt', num_point=512, output_dir='/home/FVNet/est-kittinet/prediction/val') pid: 7425 eval mean total loss: 7090.168824 eval mean center loss: 2997.096728...
I have successfully run preprocess_car_person.py, and generated the .npy in cropped directory. But while I run train.py, it still has a problem like this: /root/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py:2957: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice....
In kitti_dataset.py Line11: lidar_dir = data_dir + "/cropped/" Line26: pc_velo_path = self.lidar_dir + img_id + ".npy" Line27: pc_velo = np.load(pc_velo_path) Should I use np.fromfile() to load KITTI dataset /training/velodyne data...
Could you commit the list_files, such as det_train_car_filtered.txt, label_train_2_car_filtered.txt. Thank you!