Hannes de Jager
Hannes de Jager
Would be nice if this one can be adressed somehow.
@LouisMT I agree this will be nice. I’ll have to check though, I’m not sure if Tokio actually supports ARM because it uses MIO.
Hi there. Thank you! No reason except human resources :-). We’ve heard it compiles on windows, not sure if it runs. Do you want to try it and give feedback?
Would be nice to get some feedback on this. I don’t have a windows machine or vm set up at the moment to test on windows, but would be nice...
Hi @bpbp-boop Could you tell us more about how you run unFTP? 1. Firstly, did you run the debug or release builds ? The debug build are known to be...
Hmm, OK, not the typical developer test bench case. :-) I assume the 10MB/s was on a big file or was it lots of small files perhaps?
Hi @bpbp-boop This perhaps fixes the slow transfer on GET: https://github.com/bolcom/libunftp/pull/243 This is in the library used by unFTP, so I'll update unFTP soon. I'll check PUT also.
I've made improvements to STOR too: https://github.com/bolcom/libunftp/pull/247 Also in the library. I'll try to make a new unFTP release soon.
OK, thanks for the feedback. Not that great an improvement then. Strange...
Upon further investigation it seems that vsftpd gets its speed from utilising kernel space copying namely [sendfile](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/sendfile.2.html). It would be interesting to see how vsftpd and unFTP compare when FTPS...