Hang Cui
Hang Cui
Hi, Following the previous post, we also found the Main and Aux1 signals were pretty bad. However, Main & Aux1 RF power were good. We used TW7972 triple band GNSS...
Hi Thomas, Thanks a lot! I will submit a problem to the Septentrio's support. Best, Hang
Hi Thomas, Thanks a lot. I have made it work. A quick question. **Could you tell me know in which ROS topic I could verify that the RTK is working?**...
Hi Thomas, Thanks! I could tell the RTK mode from the ROS topic now. Another question. Can I use the Ethernet interface instead of the USB interface for above settings?...
Hi Thomas, Thanks a lot! I will try it. I find the IMU outputs from ROS topic /septentrio_gnss/imu include the gravity compensation. Is there anyway to get the **raw data...
Hi Thomas, Yes, in the linear_acceleration. In the Z direction, it added the gravity component, which is 9.8 g/m^s. **Can we have the IMU raw data without the gravity components?**...
Thanks a lot! It worked!