
Results 12 comments of hanawat

Thanks for the great plugin. This is snippets for use with Swift from the output CSS. ```css /* Gradient direction goes here */ hsl(272,29.64%,49.61%) 0%, hsl(271.41,29.91%,49.28%) 0.05%, hsl(269.78,30.69%,48.37%) 0.36%, ......

Thank you so much XVim developers 💖

I've found a temporary workaround. `footerView` avoids safe area, so you just need to add a dummy view. The default layout has a 25pt margin at the bottom. https://github.com/Krisiacik/ImageViewer/blob/6.0.0/ImageViewer/Source/GalleryViewController.swift#L45 If...

@stephan-tolksdorf Thanks for the useful library. I encountered the same crash yesterday. `iOS 17.2.1, iPhone 15 Pro, STULabel 0.8.10` ``` Crashed: com.apple.main-thread 0 STULabel 0xd354 stu_label::FontFaceGlyphBoundsCache::boundingRect(double, stu::ArrayRef, CGPoint const*) +...

I found that the following values do not update unless `scrollViewDidEndZooming` is called. https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker/blob/5.2.1/Source/Pages/Gallery/YPAssetZoomableView.swift#L25 And the fix was already in the master branch. https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker/pull/724 However, this fix is not enough,...

@keremcesme Thank you for your review. Videos in the library also used `fitImage`.

@ramboli1986 Did you run that in the sample app? I checked and it works fine in the sample app.