Hamza Hamidi

Results 14 issues of Hamza Hamidi

* Feat(Global): upgrade to angular8 * Feat(CI): upgrade to NodeJs 10.15.0 (LTS)

When trying to commit I'm facing this issue: > Architect commands with multiple targets cannot specify overrides.'lint' would be run on the following projects: ang2-conduit,ang2-conduit-e2e Error: Architect commands with multiple...

Is it possible to generate the changelog file in multiple directories? In my case I want to generate the changelog file in both the src and dist directories (the latter...

I have a monorepo project containing multiple libraries using ng-packagr I managed to get & upload the test coverage of the repository. But how can I get the coverage of...

Hello I'm getting the following error when [I add the field name as a key for caching in the typePolicies ](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/caching/cache-configuration#customizing-cache-ids) ```` Offer: { keyFields: ['__typename', 'id', 'name'], }, ````...

⁉️ question

## PR Type What changes does this PR include (check all that apply)? [x] Bugfix [ ] Feature [ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables) [ ] Refactoring (no...