Hamza Hamidi

Results 26 comments of Hamza Hamidi

[Pr: Angular6-project-structure]( https://github.com/gothinkster/angular-realworld-example-app/pull/114 ) [Pr: Angular6-rxjs-dependencies-migration](https://github.com/gothinkster/angular-realworld-example-app/pull/115)

**EDIT:** Using signed commits

@owenmecham @juristr can you please check this PR?

> Also, could the `main.ts` - as part of upgrade, be aligned with default template? > > ```diff > diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts > index dd072d0..ba6abde 100644 > --- a/src/main.ts...

Thank you @lankaapura The fix was to change the lint line to: ``` "lint": "ng lint --force ang2-conduit ang2-conduit-e2e",

@EricSimons can you take a look a this issue & the PR #117 please?

I run into the same issue. Whenever I enable the endpoint alone using the emulator I can't seem to create a container. This issue is caused by the emulator (very...

I solved this issue using this config. I wanted to test redirection for hash urls: ```javascript beforeEach(() => { delete global.window; global.window = { location: { replace: jest.fn(url => ({...

@awentzel In my case I switched to codecov

any news on this?