I have an update - the Gantt Chart was originally contained within another element, a [Vuetify Expansion Panel](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/expansion-panels/) which was closed on page loading. When expanding the panel, this 'bug'...
I experienced this problem, and guessed it to be a problem with the encoding of line endings. To experiment I deleted the Git repo, executed `git config --global core.autocrlf true`...
I had this problem too. GustavoAntonny pointed me in the right direction, however the version of OBS I was using was built against qt 6.5.3 so I need to find...
I had this problem too. GustavoAntonny pointed me in the right direction, however the version of OBS I was using was built against qt 6.5.3 so I need to find...
I had this problem too. GustavoAntonny pointed me in the right direction, however the version of OBS I was using was built against qt 6.5.3 so I need to find...
@bpmacedo I had some google searching, and found some compiled versions on the msys2 website (specifically here: https://packages.msys2.org/package/mingw-w64-x86_64-qt6-serialport). It wasn't immediately obvious to me which way to capture a specific...
Thanks for the feedback @bpmacedo . I think the workaround from @Tsaukpaetra will also be an issue as OBS isn't recognising the plugin at all, so can't fall back on...