Hamish Fagg

Results 39 comments of Hamish Fagg

Yeah that's a better idea. So number of votes to skip could be set to 1 to disable it, and min play time could be set to 0 to disable...

Well I think #10 would be best done as the layout of search results after a search has been performed. This would be an option before searching so you could,...

Spent hours bashing my head against this today, wondering why I could edit objects when I wasn't even logged in. This seems to me like a pretty serious bug waiting...

I've run librespot in the same container by itself and it doesn't crash - you can also see the librespot version at the top of the log here: ```log bash-5.1#...

Running the same librespot command on a working debian-based image and the non-working alpine one: The only difference I can see is that the alpine container prints this message twice...

Nope it works fine with the debian container.

I've tried the develop branch and it appears fixed =D Thanks very much for finding a workaround for this, I'm excited to make some really small alpine images for snapcast...

I ran into another segfault last night when a friend was trying to connect to the same librespot/snapcast instance as me. They were using an iPhone and I can't reproduce...

FWIW I've done so more testing and realized I was running librespot with a username and password, which isn't really the best for sharing, and is why I was the...

Can confirm that librespot/snapcast segfaults as soon as an iphone tries to connect to librespot.