Hamish Fagg

Results 39 comments of Hamish Fagg

This is awesome frafall. I'm aiming for a similar setup to you with hass + multiroom audio. Haven't had a chance to test your static groups yet though. Definitely keen...

@badaix What are your thoughts on this? Do you intend on allowing groups to be static or was snapcast always supposed to work like it does now?

2 months later bump. Please let us know @badaix =( Snapcast is basically unusable in Home assistant because of the dynamic nature of the groups.

Same issue here on Windows and INAV 2.5.1: `Error in PTload Message: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.` `Error in PTprocess Message: Undefined function 'tta' for input arguments of type 'double'.` [LOG00003.TXT](https://github.com/bw1129/PIDtoolbox/files/5014017/LOG00003.TXT)

Sorry to say, but i have done both of those things. The log is in the same "main" folder along with PID toolbox and the bundled blackbox_decode.exe. And the SD...

@Dronek have you tested in flight? I'm asking for #14

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/895845/87239189-53cbef80-c460-11ea-8972-babbd3376f5f.png) This is what I mean. Not sure if that was understood or not. If you're aware then thats fine.

Got another proper log of the crashes I am still getting with my laptop. These happen less often now, but are still occurring. I should have a log from the...

I've just got 2 more dumps using the iPhone in question, and they're all very similar to the dump above. They all end in this same block which is the...

FWIW I've just finished setting up a d1-mini with the same CEC library as a custom component. I was going to tell you that it really needs refactoring to be...