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Tools for processing and analyzing structural variants.

Results 66 svtools issues
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I ran the following command: svtools lsort P001_WD11-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz P001_WD12-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz P001_WE11-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz | bgzip -c > sorted.vcf.gz And I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ubuntu/progs/miniconda3/envs/smoove/bin/lsort", line 70, in...

I'm trying the dockerhub image with svtools and running as follows: ``` singularity exec -e --no-home docker://halllab/svtools:v0.5.1 svtools vcftobedpe -i $inputvcf -o vcftobedpe.bedpe -t tmp singularity exec -e --no-home docker://halllab/svtools:v0.5.1...

Hello, I installed svtools, cnvnator, root, lumpy-sv by using "mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda root cnvnator lumpy-sv svtools", the installation is smoothly. When I run "svtools copynumber --cnvnator cnvnator...

Hi! I am trying to convert a Manta-called VCF structural variants file to bedpe format. here the code I use `svtools vcftobedpe -i somaticSV.vcf -o myFile.bedpe` and there the error...

Hi, I was trying to modify [sv-pipeline]( to be able to classify variant calls of a smaller cohort. calc_params would fail if deletions are not present in the naive Bayes...

`` was using the latest stable release for dependencies without a version specified; this resulted in incompatible dependency versions. This commit changes some versions and ensures all dependencies have a...

i have the following vcf record that i believe is not correctly represented in the result when using vcftobedpe: ``` 6 57184412 Pipeline_TRA_6_57184412 N N]8:36752983] . PASS END=36752983;Callers=manta,delly;NumCallers=2;CHR2=8;SVTYPE=TRA;STRANDS=++;delly_CIEND=-2,2;delly_CIPOS=-2,2;delly_PE=3;delly_MAPQ=60;delly_SRMAPQ=60;delly_SR=12;delly_SRQ=0.985981;delly_CE=1.93075;delly_CT=3to3;delly_PRECISE;delly_SVMETHOD=EMBL.DELLYv0.8.2;delly_INSLEN=0;delly_HOMLEN=2;delly_RDRATIO=1.17045;delly_SOMATIC;manta_CIPOS=0,1;manta_MATEID=MantaBND:136490:1:6:0:0:0:1;manta_HOMLEN=1;manta_HOMSEQ=A;manta_BND_DEPTH=70;manta_MATE_BND_DEPTH=96;manta_SOMATIC;manta_SOMATICSCORE=90;NumCallersPass=2 delly_GQ:delly_FT:delly_RC:delly_RCL:delly_RCR:delly_CN:delly_DR:delly_DV:delly_RR:delly_RV:manta_PR:manta_SR 10000:PASS:117:50:63:2:36:3:28:16:44,3:55,16...

While we merged VCF files, the subcommand lmerge in svtools is the same as scripts included in LUMPY? Are the result of merged VCF files same?

Just wanted to bring up that running lsort/lmerge/prune pipeline seems to still result in a number of overlapping calls (>50% Reciprocal overlap for about 1000 variant pairs in my filtered...

Hi, I tried to merge files from 206 samples, and encountered this error. Do you have any idea where should I look at? The merging job ends prematurely, and left...