Hajime Hoshi

Results 678 comments of Hajime Hoshi

Thanks, but I think this doesn't include codecs.

Cgo is not an option especially for Windows, unfortunately. Another issue is that ffmpeg is LGPL and even if we had pure Go version of ffmpeg, this would conflict with...


https://lab.sonicmoov.com/development/programming/webgl-bezier-shader-2/ (This is in Japanese but) we can do anti-alias with shaders (dFdx) ``` #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable precision mediump float; varying vec2 p; void main(void) { vec2 px =...


> Using a shader would change Ebiten API and we wouldn't be able to rely only on AppendVerticesAndIndeces, right ? > Or do you mean to replace the default shader...

Well, we can have an option that works both for built-in shaders and custom shaders. ```go type DrawImageOptions struct { // .... MSAA bool } type DrawRectShaderOptions struct { //...

Note to myself: https://twitter.com/Miamiamia0103/status/1490355292487487494

I'm still considering APIs to render strokes. > since there is no line width option afaik. Not only a width, we have to consider these attributes * [A join](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/lineJoin) *...

> Is this an issue with my implementation or is this package still a WIP? This package is still a WIP.