Harald Herbert Hoyer
Harald Herbert Hoyer
The developer guide says "Run npm i in the /src/dotnet-interactive-vscode/ directory.", but there is no package.json. Did you mean dotnet-interactive-vscode-npm? But after executing npm i here the error is still...
No: Build started... Restored A:\develop\Training\interactive\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Telemetry\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Telemetry.csproj (in 322 ms). Restored A:\develop\Training\interactive\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Formatting\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Formatting.csproj (in 395 ms). Restored A:\develop\Training\interactive\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.NetStandard20\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Netstandard20.csproj (in 726 ms). Restored A:\develop\Training\interactive\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.csproj (in 1,09 sec). Restored A:\develop\Training\interactive\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.FSharp\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.FSharp.fsproj (in 1,13 sec). Restored A:\develop\Training\interactive\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Telemetry.Tests\Microsoft.DotNet.Interactive.Telemetry.Tests.csproj...
executing build.cmd did the trick (ensure-symlinks I already did).
Just asking if you could change function BuildZip in vscode-factoriomod-debug/src/ModPackageProvider.ts into : ` public static async BuildZip(moddir:string,packagepath:string,ignore:string[],name:string,version:string): Promise { const zipoutput = fs.createWriteStream(packagepath); const archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: {...
It's not about debugging itself, it's about the things around it. If I want to debug a mod, I have to unpack it. If that's a different directory for each...
Oh, of course I debug and modify mods that I didn't develop myself. I thought that is clear and almost all work this way. But apparently this is not true....
Actually a lot of mods in the mod portal are not using the version-name in the prefix parameter anymore. Maybe you can think about it again and change it one...
It does not work. I created a simple .net 5.0 class library: [DotNet5.zip](https://github.com/tjanczuk/edge/files/7333130/DotNet5.zip) The I tried to load it like in the example. `var edge = require("edge-js");` `var dotNet5 =...