Hafiz Muhammad Talha
Hafiz Muhammad Talha
did you find any solution to this ??
any help on this error ?
I hope people worked this out but I am facing the same issue on windows.. python = 3.9 bazier is installed.. but as mentioned in this thread, importing this "bezier-b9fda8dc.dll"...
> The `--rereplicate` command would be a good starting point as it accepts only a limited number of options. The manpage could be accessed as such: > > ```shell >...
> Did you use Conda for installing Unicycler? if so you can run conda update spades or conda install spades=3.15.5 yes I did.. no luck with that as well
Hi Dr. M facing the similar error: command '/bin/sh /home/navi/magnaporthe-KI215/assembly_number_3/01.raw_align/03.raw_align.sh.work/raw_align08/nextDenovo.sh > /home/navi/magnaporthe-KI215/assembly_number_3/01.raw_align/03.raw_align.sh.work/raw_align08/nextDenovo.sh.o 2> /home/navi/magnaporthe-KI215/assembly_number_3/01.raw_align/03.raw_align.sh.work/raw_align08/nextDenovo.sh.e' returned non-zero exit status 137, error info: . Traceback (most recent call last): File "./nextDenovo", line...
installed funannotate today and still facing the same problem. > Hi., The problem finally is solved. I just re-installed funnanotate using `conda install funannotate` insted of` conda install -c bioconda...