_What version of AdvancedBan (`/AdvancedBan`) are you using?_ 2.3.0 _What kind of server do you have (`Bungeecord/single server`)?_ Bungee _What server version (/version) are you using?_ Latest FlameCord --- Use...
Hello, There's an exploit with heads, dropped from a player. (I just have a way to get the head of a player). Here is a video: https://youtu.be/wYfTewrRihM I don't rly...
Hello, The BlockRepairsInstead is removing the item when you put it in the anvil with a Shift click (Tested with item lores check in 1.14.4). It's removing the item only...
### Use Case Actually, the proxmox input plugin is only to gather VMs info, but do not give any informations about the cluster state. Reporting the quorum state and stats...