AdvancedBan copied to clipboard
Feature: Use Luckperms for UUID-fetcher intern mode
What version of AdvancedBan (/AdvancedBan
) are you using?
What kind of server do you have (Bungeecord/single server
What server version (/version) are you using? Latest FlameCord
Use Luckperms to find the UUID of an user when running in offline mode with Intern UUID fetcher. This is a better alternative than just using cache ^^
Could you explain why you think this is a better option?
This is a better option for server using both cracked & premium uuid (Authme + Fastlogin) or servers using Jpremium with fixed UUIDs generated by the plugin itself ^^
And, when using my current config (Using Intern), it's banning with UUIDs but when i try to /check someone offline or /unban after a bungee restart, it say "can't find uuid"... so i can't unban anyone x)