Hadley Wickham

Results 873 issues of Hadley Wickham

* [x] Update tests so they continue to use json API * [x] A few basic tests that data is returned correctly — https://github.com/meztez/bigrquerystorage/issues/53 * [x] Make `api` an argument...

Currently the way we determine the parameters of a geom/stat is ugly. For example, the parameters of a geom are mostly imputed from `draw_panel` and `draw_group`, but some need to...

internals :mag_right:

By turning vignettes into articles, so the graphics aren't distributed with every copy of the package.

From @gaborcsardi: https://github.com/jrfonseca/drmingw Worth writing up something that we could point people to when a package crashes on windows.


This would encourage users to thing about the accessibility of their cards.

In dev httr2, I see: ```R > covr::package_coverage(".") Error: ! Failure in `/private/tmp/RtmpjTMbDX/R_LIBS975a77c099eb/httr2/httr2-tests/testthat.Rout.fail` Hide Traceback ▆ 1. └─covr::package_coverage(".") 2. ├─withr::with_libpaths(...) 3. │ └─base::force(code) 4. ├─withr::with_envvar(...) 5. │ └─base::force(code) 6. ├─base::withCallingHandlers(...)...

Using the rest API: https://help.tableau.com/current/api/rest_api/en-us/REST/rest_api_ref_data_sources.html This helps tell a story of tableau R/python integration that makes it easier to sell into customer that have existing tableau installs.

boards :teacher:

By using a bulleted list.


If you just want to quickly render an Rmd or quarto file, it'd be nice to have some way to install dependencies without either adding a `DESCRIPTION` or fully committing...

For our package actions, we might want to consider installing quarto by default to make it easier for folks to use it for vignettes. Quarto bundles pandoc so we might...