Hadley Wickham

Results 873 issues of Hadley Wickham

In light of new digests - I think most people will probably want to subscribe to a weekly or daily digest, rather than the raw feeds. Both email and rss...


http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/metlab/ (another gsoc project)

To minimise proliferation of similar tags


We need a favicon and a profile icon for twitter. Any ideas?

Should briefly describe crantastic, what we're working, what we have planned and how to contribute your ideas.

Put all in data-exploration folder. Remove person names and give descriptive names. Use readme.md files to give overviews of the exploration

Suitable for use in a promotional email. This could also go at the start of the overall project readme.md

(as well as by county, as we have currently)


``` r library(stringr) str_c(1:2, "-", character()) #> Error in `stop_vctrs()`: Can't recycle `..1` (size 2) to match `..3` (size 0). str_glue("{x}-{y}", x = 1:2, y = character()) str_c("-", c(1, NA),...


Would error if any input was not length 1
