Hadley Wickham

Results 880 issues of Hadley Wickham

* Check that these files are saved in the database * Save complete test file and link to it from `problems.md`?


* Platform details - should be captured during `revdep_init()` * `libraries.csv` - should be captured `revdep_install()`. Will need new database tables, and new helpers to retrieve the results.


If you're re-checking the revdeps because you've made a change to your package, you shouldn't need to re-run the checks for the CRAN version.


* Need to have user facing `max_lines()` option * Should be moved to rcmdcheck?


Without this fix, the app errors whenever I change the number of whales() shown. I didn't attempt to figure out the root cause, just fixed the symptom.

Would be useful to have a positioning algorithm that arranged bounded rects so that they don't overlap. For ggplot2, it would be important to be extremely fast so that it...

1. Form blocks of overlapping elements 2. Shift elements within a block so they no longer overlap 3. Scale to take up the same amount of room as previously

Need to keep two skylines: one for positive heights and one for negative heights.