Hadrien Mary

Results 181 comments of Hadrien Mary

Maybe we could use the Sabaki goban: https://github.com/SabakiHQ/shudan-goban It's a React component and also very elegant.

@loganmhb Could you rebase this PR?

@anoek: Is that ok with guys (OGS devs) if we reuse your sound files: https://github.com/online-go/online-go.com/tree/devel/assets/sound ?

Awesome. I'll wait for @mlopezviedma's permission for the stone placement sounds.

See https://github.com/online-go/score-estimator

Also this https://github.com/jmgilmer/GoCNN

Related to #74 somehow I guess.

Here are the instructions to do it: https://zeit.co/docs/getting-started/assign-a-domain-name#4.-using-a-custom-domain-with-a-cname If you want to set it up before 0.4 is released (which could take a while), we could redirect the 0.3 version...

Also, I don't think we should add an automatic release mechanism to the production URL in case of failure. We should first deploy manually with now the release, test it...