
Results 299 comments of h2zero

Also interested in doing this. I’ve already modified it to store IRK/LTK’s. So I think this would be simple enough to implement.

Sure, when I get a few mins I'll make a fork and upload the code.

So I made a fork but then I couldn’t find the code with the bond store changes... I must have overwritten it when I was moving files around :(. I...

Wow, so sorry, I completely forgot about this. What I ended up doing is just creating a second instance of `bondstore` and storing arbitrary data in it by just using...

@arglurgl good catch. I've noticed this behavior on my project as well. NRF51822 with S110 doesn't stay in sleep mode after connecting/disconnecting so I just made it non connectable and...

Got a chance to test @arglurgl s fix and can confirm (in my case anyway) that adding sd_nvic_ClearPendingIRQ(SD_EVT_IRQn); in the main loop after poll() that it does indeed go back...

Any luck resolving this? We have the same problem when updating the 8266 framework to 3.1.0 in platformio.

It's wishful thinking, but worth a go. If I had a quick way to test it I would try it out but that might not work for this repo. I...

Interesting issue here. It seems you would need priority levels for each client connected to determine which one is "in charge" in the current instance. What data would you base...

I'm not sure what you mean by profiles? When a BLE client connects to a server the server only knows the address and connection parameters of the client. The client...