
Results 299 comments of h2zero

Had at look at your code, I see you are enabling both notification and indications. I suggest trying to on enable one of those and see what happens.

The name provided in the init call sets the value of the name characteristic `0x2A00` which is read from the device by your phone when connected to it. Most of...

I tested this and I believe it's just the way Lightblue handles the names, if the name is longer than it can display it truncates and appends "...", when you...

Yes I can see the name is changed if re-flashed as well, seems the apps are working differently than they used to. Unfortunately there is not much I can suggest...

The only other limit is 512 bytes for the max characteristic size.

AsyncWebServer + BLE is not easy to get stable for reasons unknown to me at this time. @thorrak I'm impressed you seem to have cracked the code for this combo...

If the error only comes after the disconnection then it would be too late to trigger the pairing anyway. The client needs to delete the bond on it's side as...

This may be a controller limitation, I'm not sure yet though. I will get back to you on this when I have a chance to look.

Just to update this, 12 whitelist devices seems to be the hard limit for the esp32. https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/9205

> so hopefully they make an update to the base library Doubtful to happen any time soon, it's set in the BLE controller closed source binary to this limit, in...