Stefan Zipproth
Stefan Zipproth
At least on the master branch (currently 4.2.0-dev) it does not seem to be resolved. My personal solution was to switch off the use of GStreamer in the opencv build...
I did not test, but in the current master branch [gst_element_query_position]( is [still used in ::open](, which caused the issue when I tested it back in 2017. Maybe I have...
I just tried it by building opencv tag 4.5.4 (Debug configuration) with GStreamer 1.20.1 and repeating the "steps to reproduce" from my original report. The return value of the `get`...
I would like to add one piece of information. This is not related to any connection problems. As you can see in the video, I was chatting with the opponent...
So both thestarsahil and LadyDhaga would like to work on a bugfix? That is good news because when working with bookmarks, at least for me, it is a usual workflow...
@thestarsahil Thank you for your interest in working on the bug fix for this issue. As far as I understand, the bug seems to affect all operating systems, and the...
Same issue (version 0.8.10 on Linux).
Thank you for your prompt response. I appreciate your willingness to investigate this issue further. I would like to clarify a few points: - Stability Until Version 0.9.15: The graph...
Recently, I attempted to upgrade my Logseq Android app to version 0.10.3, but unfortunately, the problem persists. Currently, I am constrained to using version 0.9.15, as later versions do not...
Thank you. I also installed it a few minutes ago (...nightly.20240104.apk) and it crashed. Was the crash report successfully transmitted?