 With the latest release if i change a value in the window and press the enter button it is not updating the player i first have to click the...
 feature improvement When we create a multi coloured satin and want to add an undersewing we need to go back into the params window what is no problem but...
 As i was testing to convert a satin embroidery file i tried the use of zigzag to satin but this gives results what need a lot of cleaning...
 I was playing with some patterns on this svg i created 5 rectangles and did a combine and then used the tiling path effect and got a result...
 As i am applying params to different objects i was changing some params to see what would happen and then tried to turn them of again but it...
 In the inkstitch medium font at 100% it is giving a jump stitch to go from one bar to the next so it creates two objects and extra...
In the beta version i applied a start and stop command onto a rectangle and lined them up straight across from each other Then applied the meander fill and it...