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Results 45 PSVRFramework issues
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The brightness setting should not be in the Cinema mode group.

I find that the Processor Unit randomly starts up, and generally comes on with the PC and possibly when coming out of sleep modes. It would be very nice if...

I got the impression something was off about the Toolbox not saving settings. This is basic stuff, but it seems to work if Run As Administrator. What is the rationale...

Obviously you and I are both techy geeks.... and love complicated interfaces ;-) ![toolbox]( Unfortunately the rest of the populous is not the same. Put simply the interface is 'too...

Hi! I can't find any contacts to get some update in this post. Can your developer add to this file "" 65, 70 and 75Hz Mode? By that time i...

I've finished the new system with the service apart from the toolbox and the reduced interface, so I need people to test it. This is a test build, is in...

According to: There is an IPD which affects Cinematic view, this must be sent to PU unit as it's the one rendering left/right views.

when i switch to the vr mode. the sound of video is stopped. help me plz

As a user of the VR I want to be able to move the mouse with the movement of the VR headset. Something alike is shown here: Q: 1....

Are you planning to release more versions of PSVRFramework? The scene started very strongly, but now all projects related to PSVR on PC seem almost dead :(