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Needed testers for new system

Open gusmanb opened this issue 7 years ago • 46 comments

I've finished the new system with the service apart from the toolbox and the reduced interface, so I need people to test it.

This is a test build, is in debug mode so it will output any exception. Also, please, DON'T ASK ABOUT HEAD TRACKING, it works but there's nothing to consume it, so no, this doesn't works with steam nor the VR player.

The toolbox can work in two modes, standalone or service dependant. Standalone mode does that, work standalone without the need of the service, this mode is planned for people which wants only to use the cinematic mode and maybe the vr player (still no input broadcast, but may be I will add it on a future). Service dependant uses the new (preferred) mode where it connects to the service.

The service is a Windows service, it will boot with your computer automatically so the PS VR headset will be always ready to be used by any program implementing the client. The client code is included on the PSVRFramework library, if any one wants to create a program which controls the device just needs to link to the library, create a new instance of the client and call the exposed functions like HeadsetOn or EnterCinematicMode. Also, as I'm programming the OpenVR driver I got the client on C++, I will post it when I get the driver working.

The service is self-managed, you can install it from the command line, just call "PSVRService /I" and it will be installed, /U uninstalls it, and also you can control it's state with /S /P and /R. Run "PSVRService /H" for more info.

The service should be compatible with Linux, instead of starting with "mono (executable)" it must be started with "mono-service PSVRService.exe". It will return immediately as it will start a daemon, it's execution can be controlled with kill to send signals, more info here.

So, if anyone wants to test the new packages just uncompress them each one on a folder. I would need these tests:

1-Install the service, it will boot automatically (on Linux run it with mono-service). 2-Start the toolbox and try it, report any problem. 3-Go to settings on the toolbox and enable standalone mode. 4-Exit from the toolbox. 5-Uninstall service (on Linux use kill (service-proc-id)). 6-Boot up the toolbox, it will now control the device without the service, try it and report any problem.

gusmanb avatar Nov 27 '16 12:11 gusmanb