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PSVRFramework copied to clipboard

Results 45 PSVRFramework issues
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It has been suggested that a response '0xF0' indicates a configuration change. This can be seen in the attached log, and also sees related to command '0x21' in that the...

Not sure, but looking through logs this looks like it might be a serial number.... ![read_serial](

The PSVR presents a legitimate USB audio device, which has PCM for playback and capture. I think this is supposed to be the chat portal. Unfortunately Sony put unicode in...

So, this report does a lot more than we thought. Byte 1 and 3 control the led settings. Byte 1 is a two nibble value, first nibble turns on/off the...

I've been thinking a bit about the H.264 interface. I'm not an expert in H.264 but I have used it a bit with streaming cameras, these used RTP encapsulation to...