@JeroenDStout @diiigle 1. VC version 15.0 not installed You have to use scons-2.5.1, you can find it in dependencies folder 2. Unable to detect a Qt installation -- not building...
@JeroenDStout Which version of python are you using? My dev environment are Win10 Anaconda3 Python2.7
@diiigle Did you observe 8 grey pixels on the top and right boarder of GUI window?
@diiigle Compiling errors of ply_parser.cpp is been fixed with latest update of VS2017 which is 15.5.1
@diiigle For the 8 grey pixels, it turn out a bug from Qt. If you launch mtsgui on second monitor, this issue occur. Can be solved by upgrade to Qt...
@justForAsk For windows version (I never tried linux one), you don't need to install Qt, all the required DLL/headers are included in dependencies_win64 except qwindows.dll. I think you can use...
Thank you for the nice work for improving the functionality of DXC, can we have a documentation about how to use pragma diagnostic as FXC have?
I think another issue regarding light probe pre-filtering is how to map roughness to mimap. Current implementation is mapping alpha to mipmap linearly during pre-filtering, however function linearRoughnessToLod is taking...
@philcn in, variable roughness is used as parameter for several functions such as evalGGX, evalSmithGGX and importanceSampleGGX. I assume it's the GGX alpha (mapping from roughness^2) in PBR context....
@zq317157782 thank you for point out the issue. I submit the fix in rev However I didn't use pre-filterred irradiance at the end, applying visibility test didn't achieve promising...