Guo Liu
Guo Liu
@pfrazee thank you for your fast and detailed response 😄 Lots of information for me to digest! I'm starting to appreciate the design philosophy of Dat/Hyper stack more and more...
I also have some questions for Beaker Browser in general, I'll post them here as well, but please feel free to direct me to other repos that are more suitable...
Finally got some time to try out the above ideas. After building a static site (exported from Next.js), I was able to share it on DAT. If I use `dat...
> @evaristor do you have the same issue when using the executable? The executable didn't work for me either, still getting empty archive 🤪 node: 12.16.0 macOS: 10.14.6 -----...
Matters server needs to get feed updates from IPNS and then ingest the changes into the database. Some changes needed: * A new cronjob that polls for new CID from...
* Documentation on content feed format: * Documentation on publication flow / architecture:
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To allow different clients to write to the same social and content graph, we need to solve race conditions. Assume client A and client C are all configured with the...
Some components built could be used in pinning services for Planet: Components needed: * Standard pinning service. This can be the current Matters IPFS cluster or Crust Network. *...
Might be useful for limiting EC2 outbound network: