Ikiru Yoshizaki

Results 47 comments of Ikiru Yoshizaki

You can try image with `guitarrapc/docker-hugo-firebase`

I've encounted same issue, and it was caused via EOL. git commited secrets.enc.yaml was LF, but cloned was CRLF. I can avoid issue with change file eol to LF and...

Sure. Here's what I should do with ScriptResource. ``` powershell configuration ConfigureIisError { Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration; Node localhost { # configure ErrorMode $errorMode = $Node.IisHttpError.ErrorMode; Script HttpErrorsErrorMode { SetScript =...

@ZacharyBenamram Interesting. I've try reset env on action(s Configure AWS Credentials, but no luck. ```yaml name: aws oidc auth description: | Get aws oidc auth. inputs: role-to-assume: description: "AWS IAM...

Same issue happens with Azure Container Apps "Managed Environment" via https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure-native/commit/0dad7d6066084a08cbee3a074b442cd48e4b9e5c . A commit made `Name` property change to `EnvironmentName`, therefore our existing Managed Environment has been indicated `create-replacement`. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3856350/174709353-8ec8eec5-32e8-4361-88a8-418b8b2ddb72.png)...

Hi @EwenGao, I've tried reproduce issue but I couldn't. Could you provide reproduceable example for further deep dive? Here's my code based on what you provided. https://gist.github.com/guitarrapc/bc11f8d7c2ae3ce4e481aa391b5e0c88 Environment was Windows...

This is Great issue comment for Azure Function Test.

Thank you for the report. Yeah, it seems some issue goes on. Let me check.

Caused by VSCode Formatter and I did not run test. will be fix in

Fixed. ```powershell function VerifyInstallation { [OutputType([Void])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String]$KB, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String]$Ensure ) $result = (Get-HotFix | where HotFixId -eq $KB | measure).Count if ($Ensure...