Ikiru Yoshizaki

Results 47 comments of Ikiru Yoshizaki

@baannee Many thank you for report. I've fixed issue and publish hotfix Would you mind confirm it works on your environment? - Release Note > https://github.com/guitarrapc/GraniResource/releases/tag/ver. - PowerShell Gallery...

First of all, thank you for using this resource and verbose situation. I was not using the resource currently so that I need to setup VM for Win2012 R2 to...

Log and actual behavior shows installation is finished. > After reboot, it shows that .NET 4.7.1 is installed. > ExitCode : 0. Installation success. Installation completed successfully. So that issue...

thanks. the article is what I refer when created this resource. I will review again.

Yes, you are right, indeed I omitted it because I don't use it on my production lol. Let me check and will add it for you.

Could you give me an example of your Configuration sample to execute with the principal? I do want to check with unit test for logic.

Thank you for reporting. I knew there are Bug with New-ScheduledTaskTrigger on WMF5, includes Windows 10, with `-Daily`, `Once`, `Weekly` and others. You can find this bug in UserVoice https://windowsserver.uservoice.com/forums/301869-powershell/suggestions/11190663-bug-scheduledtasks-module-broken-in-1511...

Thank you cveld, It might be better through PowerShell away and use C# Implementation. I will do it, please wait a moment.

Hi Zuldan, Let's try set **ScheduledAt** as past date for Saturday AM2:00:00, like `ScheduledAt = [DateTime]"2016/02/13 02:00:00"`. Then use **RepetitionIntervalTimeSpanString** as 1week, like `RepetitionIntervalTimeSpanString = "7.00:00:00"`. Code looks like this....