Erwin Lejeune

Results 12 comments of Erwin Lejeune

Might have to do with preemptivity

Deadline Monotonic needs reworks.

- [ ] GanttPlot method for plotting a set event - [ ] GanttPlot method for plotting a reset event - [ ] Add the corresponding methods to the Axis...

I'll send some fixes for the french bits

I'm so sorry guys I never got notifications for this! Thanks @VianaSamuel for helping him/her out 😄

@VianaSamuel the Spotify API already has a seperate repo, it's the one from [here]( I think. If you still need help I can answer your questions now that I've seen...

Mhhh, do you have a link to the repo you're building ?

Hi, First things first: are you using ROS ? ROS2 ? Which distro ? If ROS2, you can integrate TEB as a [nav2]('s controller plugin

@SteveMacenski not sure if this is useful since there's no CI set up for Rolling here, I can put up the tests results log