Guilherme Machado
Guilherme Machado
Object resultado = wooCommerce.getAll(EndpointBaseType.PRODUCTS.getValue(), integracao.getUrl()); @Override @SuppressWarnings("all") public List getAll(String endpointBase, String urlHost) { Integer OAUTH_PAGE = 1; String privado = "private" , publico="publish", concluido ="completed",pendente="pending", cancelado="cancelled",aguardando ="on-hold" ; List...
I'm having difficulty getting into my products, because the url error http 401, oh consumer_key is correct and the secret is also the only way I can get the data...
the search for more than 100 products and more news, for an api brings only 100 in 100 data. this way it becomes more viable. class WoocommercApi: ` @Override @SuppressWarnings("all")...