Guilherme Machado

Results 8 comments of Guilherme Machado

my question would be how to use, /wp-json/wc/v2/products/batch to send the list of products at once because over 1000 data gets very very slow

arrumei um jeito rsrs ` List listProdutosBach= new ArrayList(); List listaProdutosAuxiliarCriacao = new ArrayList(); List listaProdutosAuxiliarAtualizar = new ArrayList(); for(){ verifica se tem ou adiciona um novo com atributos }...

how is your new commit not found, because this way passing the "OAUTH_PAGE" inside the "while" I can get all my 6000 products

sorry, but in woocomerc new 3.7 can you register product images? I have this problem because my URLs have "?" because I pass parameter to java, they all end with...

copy and paste the link in the browser

add params "query_string_auth" = true

in classe enum OauthHeader

I have not been successful since yesterday. my localhost application works but on the server in production because my site in wp and https, and the class DefaulthttpClient uses, `HttpResponse...