@ugocupcic I have been working with a mekabot m3 hand, which has a lot of coupled joints per fingers (highly underactuated). mimic joints work great if the driver provides a...
If I remember well, the problem is that hard-limits (pushing the joint to its limit manually) sometimes do not match controllable limits (limit reachable by pulling on the tendon with...
This issue is very interesting and we have been working on that for a long time (we have kuka and pa10 arms and multiple tools including different types of shadow...
Partially fixed here for some reason the trajectory controller does not move the arm when started with arm_and_hand.launch. could be a conflict of resource access by the two plugins...
From previous discussions on how to handle prefix, I think it was said there is a convention for joint naming (an actuator naming too then) There must be some convention...
I think pull request also solves this issue, since cleaner xacro use reflection everywhere even for the meshes (scale = -1) check this screenshot of a standard left hand... adds a hand_mixed_controller_gazebo.yaml but no way to load it or switch it. Our launch file pointing to it is not in sr_hand but in our own packages. Would be...
I answer here because I helped shadow rework most of the hand inertia in june last year to follow a rule in gazebo saying one should never have inertia varying...
@hsu , I analyzed your urdf, and indeed, new settings appear that I (and probably shadow) was not aware of. ImpliciteSpringDamper or older cfmDamping options were missed or never got...
After analyzing the sr_gazebo_plugin, it appears the damping was creating huge forces due to a lot of noise on the velocity reading fingers appear static (no position change) but velocity...