msfs_tbm930_project copied to clipboard
Improvement project for the MSFS default TBM930.
Since the last MSFS update there are several issues with mod. The starter does not work and you cannot lock the doors.
The auto fuel selector fails when fuel near 40 gallons. This happened to me 3 times. I started with full tanks and when the right tank approached 40 gallons remaining...
I don't know if this is something you can fix, but it would be nice if you could. The fuel selector switch is allways on auto when starting cold and...
Hi, could you repair Barometer knob function? After click on it, it should be set to STD (1013HPA or 29.92 inHg). Not actual pressure like pressing B on keyboard. Thank...
Does anyone have access to real TBM930? I need information about lighting
Hi there, Thanks for your great work, its the only aircraft that i fly on FS2020 and FSE. I found an issue with the presurization fliying on high FLs (FL300...
Hey there, seems like the overhead switch to turn the cabin lights does not work after spawning in and turning the lights on. Dimming knobs work as expected for the...
I don't if it is known issue but two things are not working properly regarding vertical speed autopilot: 1) FLC mode - verical profile oscilating up and down to keep...
Hi, I know there are known issues about ITT. But is it really normal that during take off roll after torque setting about 95%-100% the ITT is flashing red with...
Hi there! I saw some of your posts on some other github projects such as the issues you created for [g3000-restylized]( and [g3000 enhanced]( suggesting collaboration with the Working Title...