helm-kubernetes-services copied to clipboard
Helm charts that can be used to package your applications into production ready deployments for Kubernetes. https://www.gruntwork.io
**Describe the solution you'd like** When the HPA of the chart is enabled, it does not deploy on Kubernetes versions >= 1.23 because of the deprecation of the `autoscaling/v2beta2` API....
## Description This PR adds a new Helm chart to the `helm-kubernetes-services` repository. The new chart is an Argo CD Application wrapped as a Helm chart. This provides the ability...
**Describe the bug** If you have a `ConfigMap` and `Secret` that has the same name, you can't mount both as a volume due to a volume name collision. This is...
**Describe the solution you'd like** I've noticed the warning during a chart deployment: ``` W0612 15:00:09.676081 1973 warnings.go:70] annotation "kubernetes.io/ingress.class" is deprecated, please use 'spec.ingressClassName' instead ``` The `kubernetes.io/ingress.class` annotation...
**Describe the solution you'd like** The chart already generates a bunch of [well-known and recommended Kubernetes labels](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/common-labels/): https://github.com/gruntwork-io/helm-kubernetes-services/blob/8a50e60380ddfe294e36a824ece771012ea483c2/charts/k8s-service/templates/_deployment_spec.tpl#L88-L90 It seems reasonable to allow users feed the chart with values for...