Gabriel Rudloff
Gabriel Rudloff
Same problem, upgraded to latest release and I get the following message: ``` Access denied with the following error: Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please...
To solve this it should be necessary to replace the current max() computation by the unique() computation, I don't think the performance difference should be significant. In any case, this...
Just thought about it again and I think the best is just to downgrade to an old version. I will leave this here anyways in case someone else stumbles with...
Hello! Thanks for your kind response! In the end I opted for making a fork and rolling back only the file. I will leave the link here in case...
Hello @JSAnandEOS! I am having a similar issue myself. I too believe there is some kind of issue with the results of `best_score_`. In my use case, I aim at...
@kernc I am using the git master version.