Ivan Grishagin

Results 77 issues of Ivan Grishagin

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1muq9bPsbSG4tjA0ClLedux1nlMrdl5Q2hX9IYJr6jec/edit#gid=201043048This is an annotated list of drug ingredients for products considered through DESINoel


The product of Federal Register Scraping and manual curation ... these NDAs should be tracked in Inxight


https://spotlite.nih.gov/ncats/inn-scraper/blob/master/fetchClinicalTrials.shThis provides an update to the UNII_CT_MAPPING.txt.zip file


Rancho was assigned two tasks:[COMPLETE] Add missing Descriptions to substances with known approval status [IN PROGRESS] Add Targets (NCATS190415 list)Reports (including preliminary) are attached.Rancho found a handful of problematic entries,...


Many target names appear to free text ... can we normalize them?Search Primary Target...Glycine transporter 1Sodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 1These are the same target, I think. Can we algorithmically...


So its not a big deal that this ester doesn't map to its free acid. We do a good job catching some of these esters -> parent free acids by...


https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2019-title21-vol4/xml/CFR-2019-title21-vol4-sec216-24.xmlIs this list currently included into the application?For background on process ... see:https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS851US851&ei=vY65XfOjM4fl5gLY4qDwDw&q=site%3Afederalregister.gov+%22FDA+will+not+accept+or+approve+abbreviated+new+drug+applications+%28ANDAs%29%22&oq=site%3Afederalregister.gov+%22FDA+will+not+accept+or+approve+abbreviated+new+drug+applications+%28ANDAs%29%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3611.4057..4586...0.0..
